NEW! I added a "Trade/Rare discussion!!!" UPDATED March 15

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fly Trap

Fly Traps were in the Coral Canyons Shop until 2011

Price: N/A
Selling Price: N/A
Members & Non Members
Info: This item was avalible until 2011, but the other plants that left with it came back to Tree Top Gardens. This one did not


  1. I have 5 of these! ANs i wasnt even in beta!

    1. What to trade for 1? I'd like to know. XD

    2. I have a fly trap i'm willing to trade.

  2. I say that is hard to get for me. The only rarest,beta item in my den is a lit-up palm tree. My den is unlocked so u can see the tree yourself there.
    The tree is at angelina12204's den. If i get jam a grams from u ppl then i would try to respone back(since i'm not a member).

  3. I have one which I got for a ice amulet XD I named it skippy and is my favorite den item I all of jamaa and I will not trade it btw they arenworth rare claw

  4. anyone know what else these are worth other than a claw?

  5. i have i fly trap anyone wanna offer

  6. i have one and a treasure it. Its nice to know that its safe with me XD

  7. Guys these r not worth RARE CLAWS :dramatic music: these r prob worth a small beta ^-^ Like a cactus or something like that

  8. I have one if anyone would like to trade me for it :)
    Im lovebug8665

  9. I really want one, I just can't find somebody to trade for it! I would say I am decently rare, with a short green spike collar, a cami frog, a few den betas, and a mech angel helment and arctic hood as my rarest items. I am willing to trade for flytraps, and other items. Username is Miraisbeta. Jamagram me if you want to trade.

    1. I am willing to trade mine! I would love a spike collar, + i jamagrammed u for the trade. WOULD BE Midnightkittiez, soz OH and the spike collar can be any colour

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I have Fly Trap say offer pleace?

  12. i have fly trap so many people trade and i say no but im not sure what to trade for so...

  13. i have fly trap, flower carpet, three worns, six fox hats, three pink purses, star capes, loads of rares, one nerd glasses, u get the idea. Im gummypears
