NEW! I added a "Trade/Rare discussion!!!" UPDATED March 15

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Giraffes are a very tall animal compared to other jammers.

Just the Facts

  • the giraffe left on May 23rd 2013
  • it did not leave by itself, it also left with the Elephant and Rhino
  • All three animals were going to spend time traveling


  1. i have a girraffe and a rhino. didnt have time to get an elephant though

  2. I got giraffe and rhino one is lieutenant arctic spirit and other magical quiet ninja and keep the cos they aint coming back I think if not they comeback in may

  3. Elephants came back like in 2013 and there's a rumor going around that giraffes are coming back also.

  4. you can replace this with pandas :P

  5. lions are soonly going to be rare animals,, so sad they didn't even get there own party, i well i got one on my nm account :D
